
type: /credentials/0.1/payment

General payment message from user.

  "goal_code": "iden3comm.credentials.v1-1.proposal-request",
  "payments": [
      "@context": "",
      "type": "Iden3PaymentCryptoV1 | Iden3PaymentRailsV1 | Iden3PaymentRailsERC20V1 | Iden3PaymentPermitV1 | Iden3PaymentPermitERC20V1",

Payment message itself defines fields: payments
Payment object itself is also typed. The possible types for payment object are: Iden3PaymentCryptoV1 , Iden3PaymentRailsV1 , Iden3PaymentRailsERC20V1 , Iden3PaymentPermitV1 , Iden3PaymentPermitERC20V1.
Corresponding ld context for such types:

Field Description Type Required
goal_code Goal code when the payment information can be used string
payments List of payment requests list
payments[i].type Payment Type string

Iden3PaymentCryptoV1 is a simple representation of payment response for only one chain. Type field specification:

Field Description Type Required
id Payment id string
type Payment Type "Iden3PaymentCryptoV1"
@context type ld context url string ❌ (historical backward compatibility)
paymentData Payment Type object
paymentData.txId Transaction hash string

Iden3PaymentRailsV1 is a representation of payment data that is result of sending native payment. Type field specification:

Field Description Type Required
nonce Payment unique nonce string (non negative integer)
type Payment Type "Iden3PaymentRailsV1"
@context type ld context url string
paymentData Payment Type object
paymentData.txId Transaction hash string
paymentData.chainId chain id in which payment has been done string

Iden3PaymentRailsERC20V1 is a representation of payment data that is result of sending payment using erc20 token. Type field specification:

Field Description Type Required
nonce Payment unique nonce string (non negative integer)
type Payment Type "Iden3PaymentRailsERC20V1"
@context type ld context url string
paymentData Payment Type object
paymentData.txId Transaction hash string
paymentData.chainId chain id in which payment has been done string
paymentData.tokenAddress address of token contract string

Iden3PaymentPermitV1 is a representation of payment permit that is meant to be sent by verifier to issuer through the user as an attachment to authorization request. Although it can be sent as a separate message with a specifying of paymentReference. Type field specification:

Field Description Type Required
type Payment Type "Iden3PaymentPermitV1"
@context ld context of payment type string
paymentData.credentials credentials for which payment has been made object
paymentData.credentials[i].type type of prepaid credentials string
paymentData.credentials[i].context ld context of prepaid credential string
paymentData.nonce Payment unique nonce for the issuer string (non negative integer)
paymentData.recipient withdrawal address of the issuer string
paymentData.amount Specify amounts in the smallest unit of the currency or token (e.g., WEI for ETH or the smallest decimal for ERC-20 tokens). string (non negative integer)
paymentData.expirationDate expiration of specific payment permit string (ISO format)
paymentData.proof w3c security proof object[] or object
paymentData.paymentReference payment subject if message is sent directly string
paymentData.metadata any additional payment permit metadata string (hex)

EIP712 domains for payment permit proof are defined Iden3PaymentPermitV1, where verifyingContract is address of contract that accepts permits, name is SponsorPayment and version is 1.0.0.

Iden3PaymentPermitERC20V1 is a representation of payment permit in erc 20 token that is meant to be sent by verifier to issuer through the user as an attachment to authorization request. Although it can be sent as a separate message with a specifying of paymentReference. Type field specification:

Field Description Type Required
type Payment Type "Iden3PaymentPermitV1"
@context ld context of payment type string
paymentData.credentials credentials for which payment has been made object
paymentData.credentials[i].type type of prepaid credentials string
paymentData.credentials[i].context ld context of prepaid credential string
paymentData.nonce Payment unique nonce for the issuer string (non negative integer)
paymentData.recipient withdrawal address of the issuer string
paymentData.amount Specify amounts in the smallest unit of the currency or token (e.g., WEI for ETH or the smallest decimal for ERC-20 tokens). string (non negative integer)
paymentData.expirationDate expiration of specific payment permit string (ISO format)
paymentData.proof w3c security proof object[] or object
paymentData.metadata any additional payment permit metadata string (hex)
paymentData.tokenAddress address of the token contract string
paymentData.paymentReference payment subject if message is sent directly string

EIP712 domains for payment permit proof are defined Iden3PaymentPermitERC20V1, where verifyingContract is address of contract that accepts permits, name is SponsorPayment and version is 1.0.0.

Examples of credential payment responses different payment types:

  "id": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
  "thid": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
  "typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json",
  "type": "",
  "body": {
     "payments": [
           "@context": "",
            "paymentData": { 
               "txId": "0x123"
  "to": "did:polygonid:polygon:mumbai:2qJUZDSCFtpR8QvHyBC4eFm6ab9sJo5rqPbcaeyGC4",
  "from": "did:iden3:polygon:mumbai:x3HstHLj2rTp6HHXk2WczYP7w3rpCsRbwCMeaQ2H2"
  "id": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
  "thid": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
  "typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json",
  "type": "",
  "body": {
     "payments": [
           "@context": "",
            "paymentData": { 
               "txId": "0x123",
               "chainId": "123"
  "to": "did:polygonid:polygon:mumbai:2qJUZDSCFtpR8QvHyBC4eFm6ab9sJo5rqPbcaeyGC4",
  "from": "did:iden3:polygon:mumbai:x3HstHLj2rTp6HHXk2WczYP7w3rpCsRbwCMeaQ2H2"
  "id": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
  "thid": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
  "typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json",
  "type": "",
  "body": {
     "payments": [
           "@context": "",
            "paymentData": { 
               "txId": "0x123",
               "chainId": "123",
               "tokenAddress": "0x123" 
  "to": "did:polygonid:polygon:mumbai:2qJUZDSCFtpR8QvHyBC4eFm6ab9sJo5rqPbcaeyGC4",
  "from": "did:iden3:polygon:mumbai:x3HstHLj2rTp6HHXk2WczYP7w3rpCsRbwCMeaQ2H2"
  "id": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
  "thid": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
  "typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json",
  "type": "",
  "body": {
    "goal_code": "iden3comm.credentials.v1-1.proposal-request",
    "payments": [
        "nonce": "3008",
        "type": "Iden3PaymentPermitERC20V1",
        "@context": "",
        "paymentData": {
          "credentials": [
              "type": "LivenessProof",
              "context": ""
          "tokenAddress": "0x2FE40749812FAC39a0F380649eF59E01bccf3a1A",
          "recipient": "0xE9D7fCDf32dF4772A7EF7C24c76aB40E4A42274a",
          "amount": "40",
          "expirationDate": "2024-10-28T16:02:36.816Z",
          "metadata": "0x",
          "paymentReference": "did:iden3:polygon:amoy:xACpATtbyUyWBAnhaqrmEVhE84k14ACBHcNQnjAQK",
          "proof": [
              "type": "EthereumEip712Signature2021",
              "proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
              "proofValue": "0xc3d9d6fa9aa7af03863943f7568ce61303e84221e3e29277309fd42581742024402802816cca5542620c19895331f4bdc1ea6fed0d0c6a1cf8656556d3acfde61b",
              "verificationMethod": "did:pkh:eip155:80002:0xE9D7fCDf32dF4772A7EF7C24c76aB40E4A42274a#blockchainAccountId",
              "created": "2024-10-28T15:02:36.946Z",
              "eip712": {
                "types": "",
                "primaryType": "Iden3PaymentPermitERC20V1",
                "domain": {
                  "name": "SponsorPayment",
                  "version": "1.0.0",
                  "chainId": "80002",
                  "verifyingContract": "0x6f742EBA99C3043663f995a7f566e9F012C07925"
  "to": "did:polygonid:polygon:mumbai:2qJUZDSCFtpR8QvHyBC4eFm6ab9sJo5rqPbcaeyGC4",
  "from": "did:iden3:polygon:mumbai:x3HstHLj2rTp6HHXk2WczYP7w3rpCsRbwCMeaQ2H2"