Payment Request
type: /credentials/0.1/payment-request
General request format for payment from user.
"agent": "<issuer-agent-url>",
"payments": [
"credentials": [
"type": "AML",
"context": "<context-url>"
"@context": "",
"type":"Iden3PaymentRequestCryptoV1 | Iden3PaymentRailsRequestV1 | Iden3PaymentRailsERC20RequestV1",
"description":"you can pass the verification on our KYC provider by following the next link",
Payment Request itself defines fields: agent, payments, description, type, credentials and data. Payment Data itself is also typed. The possible types for data are: Iden3PaymentRequestCryptoV1, Iden3PaymentRailsRequestV1, Iden3PaymentRailsERC20RequestV1; Corresponding ld context for such types:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
agent | Issuer URL to send payment response | string | ✅ |
payments | List of payment requests | list | ✅ |
payments[i].type | Type of payment request (old version only) | string | ❌ |
payments[i].credentials | List of credentials that user requests for | list | ✅ |
payments[i].description | description of payment | string | ✅ |
payments[i].credentials.context | JSON-LD context url for credential | string | ✅ |
payments[i].credentials.type | Type in the given JSON-LD context | string | ✅ |
payments[i].data | Payment request specific details | object or array of objects | ✅ |
Iden3PaymentRequestCryptoV1 is a simple representation of payment request for only one chain. Type field specification:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
id | Payment id | string | ✅ |
type | Payment Type | "Iden3PaymentRequestCryptoV1" | ✅ |
@context | context for ld type | string | ❌ (historical backward compatibility) |
chainId | chain id | string | ✅ |
address | smart-contract address that collects funds | string | ✅ |
amount | Payment amount | string | ✅ |
currency | chosen currency | string (non negative integer) | ✅ |
expiration | expiration of specific payment request | string (ISO format) | ❌ (historical backward compatibility) |
Iden3PaymentRailsRequestV1 is a representation of payment data that can be used for setting request to multiple chains to pay only in native currency. Type field specification:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
nonce | Payment unique nonce for the issuer | string (non negative integer) | ✅ |
type | Payment Type | "Iden3PaymentRailsRequestV1" | ✅ |
@context | context for ld type | string | ✅ |
recipient | withdrawal address of the issuer | string | ✅ |
amount | Specify amounts in the smallest unit of the currency or token (e.g., WEI for ETH or the smallest decimal for ERC-20 tokens). | string (non negative integer) | ✅ |
expirationDate | expiration of specific payment request | string (ISO format) | ✅ |
proof | w3c security proof | object[] or object | ✅ |
metadata | any additional request metadata | string (hex) | ✅ |
For now only support proof type is EIP 712 signature suite.
EIP712 domains are defined here, where verifyingContract
is address of contract that accepts payments, name is MCPayment
and version is 1.0.0
"EIP712Domain": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "version",
"type": "string"
"name": "chainId",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "verifyingContract",
"type:": "address"
"Iden3PaymentRailsRequestV1": [
"name": "recipient",
"type": "address"
"name": "amount",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "expirationDate",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "nonce",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "metadata",
"type": "bytes"
Iden3PaymentRailsERC20RequestV1 is a representation of payment data that can be used for setting request to multiple chains to pay only in ERC20 tokens.
It has the same ideology with Iden3PaymentRailsRequestV1, but also it defines two additional fields: tokenAddress
and features
Token address can be the address of any ERC20 token. Current recommended flow for client is to call function 'approve' on token contract and then payERC20 on payment contract, so it will send funds to recipient address. Features field can contain a list of EIPs that contract support. Now, on the client level only supported feature is Permit EIP-2612. In this case iw will be two calls to signer client but only one transaction to invoke the payERC20Permit
Type field specification:
Field | Description | Type | Required |
nonce | Payment unique nonce for the issuer | string (non negative integer) | ✅ |
type | Payment Type | "Iden3PaymentRailsERC20RequestV1" | ✅ |
@context | context for ld type | string | ✅ |
recipient | withdrawal address of the issuer | string | ✅ |
tokenAddress | address of the token contract | string | ✅ |
features | list of features supported by token contract( now only ["EIP-2612"]) | string[] | ❌ |
amount | Specify amounts in the smallest unit of the currency or token (e.g., WEI for ETH or the smallest decimal for ERC-20 tokens). | string (non negative integer) | ✅ |
expirationDate | expiration of specific payment request | string (ISO format) | ✅ |
proof | w3c security proof | object[] or object | ✅ |
metadata | any additional request metadata | string (hex) | ✅ |
EIP712 domains for proof creation are defined here, where verifyingContract
is address of contract that accepts payments, name is MCPayment
and version is 1.0.0
"EIP712Domain": [
"name": "name",
"type": "string"
"name": "version",
"type": "string"
"name": "chainId",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "verifyingContract",
"type:": "address"
"Iden3PaymentRailsRequestERC20V1": [
"name": "tokenAddress",
"type": "address"
"name": "recipient",
"type": "address"
"name": "amount",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "expirationDate",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "nonce",
"type": "uint256"
"name": "metadata",
"type": "bytes"
Examples of Iden3PaymentRequest with different data
"id": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
"thid": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
"typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json",
"type": "",
"body": {
"agent": "<issuer-agent-url>",
"payments": [
"credentials": [
"type": "AML",
"context": "<context_url>"
"data": [{
"id": "ox",
"chainId": "80002",
"address": "0xpay1",
"currency": "ETH",
"expiration": "<timestamp>"
"description":"you can pass the verification on our KYC provider by following the next link",
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"thid": "36f9e851-d713-4b50-8f8d-8a9382f138ca",
"typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json",
"type": "",
"body": {
"agent": "",
"payments": [
"credentials": [
"type": "AML",
"context": ""
"data": [
"@context": [
"type": "Iden3PaymentRailsRequestV1",
"recipient": "0xaddress",
"amount": "100",
"expirationDate": "ISO string",
"nonce": "25",
"metadata": "0x",
"proof": [
"type": "EthereumEip712Signature2021",
"proofPurpose": "assertionMethod",
"proofValue": "0xa05292e9874240c5c2bbdf5a8fefff870c9fc801bde823189fc013d8ce39c7e5431bf0585f01c7e191ea7bbb7110a22e018d7f3ea0ed81a5f6a3b7b828f70f2d1c",
"verificationMethod": "did:pkh:eip155:0:0x3e1cFE1b83E7C1CdB0c9558236c1f6C7B203C34e#blockchainAccountId",
"created": "2024-09-26T12:28:19.702580067Z",
"eip712": {
"types": "",
"primaryType": "Iden3PaymentRailsRequestV1",
"domain": {
"name": "MCPayment",
"version": "1.0.0",
"chainId": "0x0",
"verifyingContract": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"salt": ""
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"from": "did:iden3:polygon:mumbai:x3HstHLj2rTp6HHXk2WczYP7w3rpCsRbwCMeaQ2H2"
"id": "54782ed3-8d83-427b-856d-eac57a9aa94a",
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"typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json",
"type": "",
"body": {
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"payments": [
"data": [
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"@context": [
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"recipient": "0xE9D7fCDf32dF4772A7EF7C24c76aB40E4A42274a",
"amount": "40",
"expirationDate": "2024-10-28T16:02:36.816Z",
"nonce": "3008",
"metadata": "0x",
"proof": [
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"created": "2024-10-28T15:02:36.946Z",
"eip712": {
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"credentials": [
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"context": ""
"description": "Iden3PaymentRailsRequestV1 payment-request integration test"
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"typ": "application/iden3comm-plain-json",
"type": "",
"body": {
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"@context": [
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"credentials": [
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